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Exciting Opportunities!

Exciting Opportunities!

By Adrienne Markworth

I’m very excited to get started on a new project. Without giving away all of the juicy details, we’re looking for people to get involved with a new workshop format right here in San Francisco. Instead of our usual seminar, we’re going to be experimenting this summer at a housing site in the Mission.

We’re on a tight budget (what’s new) so we’re hoping to involve some volunteers as well as paid facilitators on this one. We’ll be running “bite-sized” programming during a Food Pantry day. This means that the residents are already participating in a great Food Pantry program on Wednesday afternoons sponsored by the San Francisco Food Bank. We will set up shop doing a cooking demonstration, activities for kids, info and resources for adults and seniors. I think it has fabulous potential and I can’t wait to get started!