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Meet Anna, our New RD!

Meet Anna, our New RD!

LP Staff: We are THRILLED to have Anna as part of our team! In her blog post below, she shares what brought her to Leah’s Pantry and what she’ll be doing as part of our team. You can learn more about her on our staff page here

Words cannot describe how excited I am to be part of the amazing (and growing) team at Leah’s Pantry as their new registered dietitian! Since I began studying food and nutrition at the University of California, Davis, it has been my ultimate dream to work for an organization like this. My involvement in various community service projects and nutrition education programs in Yolo and San Francisco county and boroughs of New York City has sparked my interest in serving those in need and creating a positive, sustainable impact on vulnerable populations, from the homeless and hungry to the chronically ill and isolated. From working with diverse groups who face challenges to meet their basic needs of living (e.g. food insecurity and poor nutrition), I see a great need to take action and aspire to not only improve the health of communities I serve but also to inspire and empower individuals with the resources and knowledge they need to live well and thrive.

Part of my role with Leah’s Pantry will be to promote EatFresh and respond to nutrition-related questions posted to “Ask a Dietitian.” I will also work closely with the Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) to teach Food Smarts Workshops to local food programs and congregate meal sites for seniors. Moreover, I will be providing individualized nutrition counseling for seniors who may be at risk for disease and future medical conditions. My hope is to enable positive behavior changes to improve their health and quality of life.

With an eye towards the future, I am motivated to improve and expand our services and programs at Leah’s Pantry to places where they are needed most and am ready to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I strongly believe a simple act of kindness can have a life-changing effect on an individual and feel so blessed to be part of an organization that brings so many people together to serve that same purpose.